Sunday, August 14, 2016

Walk from the victory

Background: I have a straight neck, with bone spurs in it; and a compressed disc. This combination can lead to some debilitating headaches. I say they're worse than migraines. Well, I know they're at least as bad.
This morning, I was in pain.
So, today after church I went forward for prayer. I had planned to. Determined to. I was very pleased when two of my favorite intercessors stepped to my side of the sanctuary. I raced up to them as soon as Pastor Scott said goodbye.
Linda prayed for healing. And said I needed to let go of things. She asked me specifically if I saw anything. No. But, what came to mind was the efforts we had been making over the last couple months to find a condo for Christina to live in. Linda said she felt it was important for me to clothe myself in the armor of God. Se prayed that only God's darts would penetrate my shield of faith. She prayed for oil to come down over me. She also saw a sponge that was dry; that needed to be soaked again, to be flexible and useable.
I could totally feel that. I do feel dried up. Like I've been giving too much and not replenishing. Yeah. I know that. I love spending my time in devotionals and the Word in the morning. But probably doing it while I'm on the elliptical really doesn't count! Multi-tasking isn't what I should be doing when He's looking for time with me.
Do you ever feel so squeezed for time that you wind up justifying how you do your "quiet time?"
Then Kristy asked me if I had a daughter, and if she lived here. Yes, I said. Why? She asked if it had always been a good relationship. No. It was, and then wasn't; but it's pretty good right now and getting better. I figure that's what happens with a lot of mother/daughter relationships. Kristy sensed that it was a large part of the load I'm carrying, and is causing some of my pain. She also said it is the process and the relationship that is important; not the actual purchase. Kristy said I had many daughters and that God said I would have many more. 
Kristy said I needed to walk from the victory; it isn't coming, it already is. And I need to walk forward as if I am walking from the victory.

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