Sunday, August 24, 2014


Purple. For promises.

As anyone, I struggle with things. But, I also find it easy, most of the time, to turn away from my struggles and trust that it is all going to work out. I do that easier than others that I know. I thought it was a quirk of my personality. I'm just now beginning to see that it may be my faith. Just plain faith. 
Sure, I've been praying about a couple of things for a long time. A really, long, time. Sometimes I get discouraged. Not necessarily for my sake, though. Mainly because I see others suffering.  Or, continuing to struggle, and OH! how I wish I could make it easier for them. But, I trust that they are  learning at their speed and in His timing. So, I have to stop trying to be the teacher, and just let Him do the guiding. 
It's kind of like I know how the movie ends. I have a nephew who, when he was younger, wanted his mom to see the movie first and tell him about it. That way he knew how it ended when he went to see it. 
Well, I don't know all the details, or the twists in the road. But, I know the end of the book. It all works out for good, for those who love God and are called by Him for His purposes. Yet, some folks struggle. Because they want to know more. Because they are worried about the path. Because they can't see what's happening. But, it isn't faith if we know. Faith requires some struggling to believe and to trust, and move forward even though we can't see. 
God has made promises that I choose to believe. I trust Him, and I smile. There is nothing I can do to effect change but allow Him His way in my life. I'm so thrilled with knowing the One who knows the outcome; Who has the end of the story already written! 
The Bible has many good promises about "waiting on the Lord." I am content to wait. 

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