Someone pointed out it had been a year. Yes, it has. For good reasons that I won't go into. What I will go into is where I'm going. Except that I'm not sure.
I have discovered that Love is a very powerful thing. And that love means giving up a lot of things. But mostly, my right to be right all the time! I used to have a real determination in that regard. Now, being right - or shall we say being on the winning end isn't as important as building others up, esteeming them as better than myself, and not keeping myself in any wrong attitude.
So, where am I headed? I really don't know. And, I'm okay with that. I've found that walking with the Lord as He leads everyday is a much more peaceful place to be.
It is my nature, as a friend told me, to help others carry their burdens. Yes. It is. I want to help. I always want to help. I'm always offering ideas, suggestions. It's not always appreciated. There's another burden I put on myself. So, here I was, heaping all these added burdens on me; trying to help others carry theirs. God said, "Put them down." Basically, I have my own burdens to deal with, and I have to figure that out. HIS yoke is easy and His burden is light. I want my burden to be light, but it will only be that way if I yoke up with Him and let him co-carry it. I have a feeling it will (THEY will all) feel lighter when I figure out how to do that. But, I won't be able to figure out how heavy or light my burdens are until I put aside everyone else's. So, I have some real work to do.
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