So, our church is going through a time of transition and has suggested members consider a fast. It can be for a while; for one day; for a specific purpose; whatever. As I considered this, and my long list of needs as well as my schedule for the next week, I thought this could be overwhelming. But then I reconsidered the scripture Pastor Scott used today. Isa. 26:12-14, about the gods that end up overwhelming us.
On the way home, I realized - again, duh - that I have not been really living my favorite verse. 1 Co. 10:31 says, "Whether then you EAT or drink, or whatever you do; do all to the glory of God." (Emphasis mine.) How can I glorify God when I'm eating?
Well, I know what grabs my attention when the little pangs of hunger hit. And I know that even if I'm distracted, I reach for a quick snack. Those are the little gods that have overwhelmed me.
So, I will stay away from those distractions, those little gods, and place my attention on the God who has delivered, and will deliver me, from . . . me?